Its been long since i last blog. Am wondering will u check up my blog for updates? Since i prefer my blog to remain low profile, u are the only visitor lar and thats what keep my blog alive. That day jan yee just cr8ted a blog and was asking me to visit XD... haha (according to him, he wants ppl to read his blog cos he wants ppl to know him more). A total contra to me. I dun like ppl to understand me and so i dun like to share my feelings with others. Contridictinly, when i feel sad or down i feel like wanting to talk to sum1... haha, im just weird -.- (eh, weird is a word which suppose to use on u 1 leh, how come i use on myself dis time?) Due to sum reason (my previous blog), jan yee got the access to my blog. He asked me :"eh ur blog only got 1 visitor ar?" i answered :"yes"
"so fairie=gf?"
"no..." i answer
"-.-" he replied...
Hmm.. m still wondering watz da point bloging bout this.
but since its my blog, i blog wat i like =)
dear reader (without "s") bare with me =P